Support Page

1. What are our hours?

We don't really have any hours for you to contact us because this is not my full-time job. You can contact us at any time, and we will respond as soon as possible. We get notification when you reply, so I should only take a day for us to respond (at the least). If you would like another option, go to my Discord at or the BotGhost Discord at 

Is it a bot that's answering?

No! The exact same person who makes the videos (aka, me) will respond to your questions, However, the 3CX System will start off talking to you, just to get basic info (like your question).

Is there another way to contact?

Yes, but we don't recommend it. You can contact, but it may take 2–3 days for me to actually respond to the e-mail, so this support way is definitely the best.

Contact support here:

Contact support below by pressing the chat bubble:
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